1. What made you go natural? How long have you been natural?
I went natural because my hair was breaking. I had been perming for around 2 years when my hair started breaking mainly in my crown area. I didn’t even notice, until my mum adamantly started pointing it out. So, at the time ‘going natural’ was a not really a conscious decision, it was more logical; ‘my hair is breaking… to stop it breaking I need to stop what is causing it to break’ was my thought process. But since that time I have never looked back and have been natural for around 4 years now. 
2. Did you transition? If so, for how long? 
I transitioned for around a year. During this time I went back to old habits, simply because I did not understand my hair in its natural state. I thought that the only way for me to handle my ‘thick’ (I’ve realised it wasn’t even that thick at that point) mane was to straighten it. However, I often took breaks from straightening fortnightly and opted for protective styling with braids. 

3. What is your Healthy Hair routine? 
I wouldn’t say I have a militant Healthy Hair routine, but I definitely have some ‘no compromise’ healthy hair principles by which I live by. At the top of the list is washing my hair on a weekly basis and deep conditioning for 10-15 minutes on washdays. I also try to keep manipulation of my hair to a minimum by limiting my use of combs. However I do comb my hair with my Denman brush when deep conditioning and occasionally use it during the week if my hair becomes particularly tangled. 
I moisturise my hair with leave-in conditioner every other day especially concentrating on my ends (as they’re the most brittle part of my hair). I am extra cautious of my hair since I dip dyed and therefore always give them a bit more attention. I usually spritz my hair with water before bed and pineapple my fro or retwist/ replait my hair at bedtime before tying a satin scarf around my hair. Most importantly I’ve left old habits behind and keep heat to a minimum. I usually straighten my hair once a year and do an occasional blowout. 

4. Do you have a Healthy Body routine? 
For my Healthy Body routine, I try to keep things simple. I’m a pescatarian who tries to keep processed meals to a minimum. I try to get 5 fruit/vegetables in on a daily basis. And I generally drink over 2 litres of water a day, as I know that real health begins on the inside and hydrotherapy makes a massive impact on skin health. I also workout approximately 4 times a week (when I’m focused)- which can also get blood flowing to the scalp, so is not just good for my body, but also on my hair health. 
5. What advice/ tips do you have for naturals? 
The best advise I can give to my natural sisters is don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Accept your hair for what it is! Don’t try to make it do things it cannot do; otherwise you’ll be constantly disappointed. Instead try to embrace its authenticity and work with it instead of fighting it. 

Moreover, don’t get so caught up on you hair length that you forget to enjoy your hair journey! I had wanted to dye my hair around 2 years into my hair journey and didn’t do it just because I was afraid of the damage. Recently I had my hair dyed (by a professional) and I’m now more in love with my hair journey that ever. Life is too short, enjoy your hair journey and do not allow comparison to steal your joy. 

6. Where can we find you? 
You can find me on my blog and Instagram: 

Instagram: olivia_aharvey

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